Using AI and Social Media to Evaluate and Advance ESG

Sponsored by Foley Hoag
How do investors evaluate the Environmental, Social and Governance practices of companies in their portfolios? Artificial Intelligence (AI) and social media are effective tools to identify those businesses that observe best practices.

Increasingly, investors are taking up the flag to promote ESG values and advocate for users and customers to join them. On the other hand, investors and companies may seek to avoid businesses that might pose a greater financial risk for non-adherence to ESG values.

Consider how you might leverage your practice in finance to advocate for social change and ESG, with insights from Brittan Heller, Counsel in Foley Hoag's Global Business and Human Rights practice. Veronica Jennings, Foley Hoag Partner, will moderate the discussion.

Please email your questions to boston@100women.org by Thursday, February 4, 2021, or you may email them during the webinar.

Produced by the 100WF Boston Committee.
8 February 2021
9:00 AM N. America West Coast
12:00 PM N. America East Coast
5:00 PM London
6:00 PM Paris
The program will begin promptly.

Heather Russell
Opening Remarks
Cambridge Associates

Brittan Heller
Foley Hoag

Veronica Jennings
Foley Hoag
Foley Hoag
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Brittan Heller
Counsel, Foley Hoag

Brittan Heller is counsel in our Global Business and Human Rights group. She has structured her practice at Foley Hoag around the areas of law, technology and human rights. She specializes in advising companies on privacy, freedom of expression, content moderation, online harassment, disinformation, civic engagement, cyberhate and hate speech, and online extremism. As the founding director of the Center on Technology and Society for the Anti-Defamation League, Brittan proposed new policies and implemented programs to prevent bias, racism, discrimination, and the spread of disinformation, with a focus on protecting minority populations. She also collaborated with major online platforms and gaming companies to combat cyberhate, and produced and launched new technology for good, in mediums like AI, VR/AR/XR and data visualization. Education: Yale Law School, J.D.; Stanford University, M.A. and B.A.

Veronica Jennings
Partner, Foley Hoag

Veronica Jennings is a partner in Foley Hoag's Litigation Department. She focuses her practice on white collar criminal defense, corporate internal investigations, and cyber-related matters. Veronica has tried significant and complex cases as both a criminal defense attorney and federal prosecutor, and is an experienced first-chair trial lawyer and seasoned investigator. Throughout her career, Veronica has tried more than 70 cases to verdict in federal and local jurisdictions including U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland. She has litigated a wide range of sophisticated legal issues, including arguing before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Veronica has also led and participated in hundreds of investigations, including in the grand jury and on behalf of corporations. She served in the Cyber Unit, Criminal Division, where she investigated and prosecuted cyber related crimes such as hacking, wire fraud, bank fraud, money laundering, and aggravated identify theft. Education: University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., cum laude, Order of the Barristers; Fordham University, M.A.; University of Dayton, B.A.
Foley Hoag
Foley Hoag is committed to helping our clients achieve their desired results by excelling in the time-honored practices of the legal profession and seizing on new ways to continuously improve our performance and service level. Since 1943, Foley Hoag has represented public and private clients in a wide range of disputes and transactions around the world. We have established a lengthy record of success in industries such as life sciences, health care, technology, energy/renewables, investment management and professional services. We also offer our clients market-leading international litigation and arbitration services, and unmatched counsel in the evolving field of corporate social responsibility. From our offices in Boston, Washington, D.C., New York, and Paris, we provide creative, strategic legal advice tailored to clients’ unique goals. Our powerful regional, national and international practices share a common emphasis on superior client service.

100WF's 20th Anniversary
Throughout 2021, 100 Women in Finance will celebrate its twentieth year of operations with special events and recognition of the member volunteers who have built 100WF into today’s leading organization dedicated to the advancement of women in the global finance industry. Since its founding in 2001, 100WF’s pillars of Education, Peer Engagement and Impact have established a foundation of purpose, achievement and confidence that will guide the organization's future growth and focus on attaining its 30x40 Vision in the next twenty years.

100 Women in Finance
100 Women in Finance's near 20,000 registered members strengthen the global finance industry by empowering women to achieve their professional potential at each career stage. Its members inspire, equip and advocate for a new generation of industry leadership, in which women and men serve as investment professionals and executives, equal in achievement and impact. Through Education, Peer Engagement and Impact, the organization furthers the progress of women who have chosen finance as a career, and enables their positive influence over pre-career young women.
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